Dive into the Solar Winds Attack

If 2020 has taught me anything, it’s the absolute necessity to live in our authentic TRUTH. Not at the expense of others, but at the expense of not achieving our full selves.

When we do speak our TRUTH, sometimes we repel those that are closest to us, and we attract those that we hardly know. Either way, it allows us to get closer to ourselves. Closer to what we desire. Closer to a deeper TRUTH that is only revealed to us when we see things in a new perspective.

I’m honored to be able to work with some of the most incredible individuals that I know. Whether they are an executive at a large company, owner of a small enterprise, or a leader in a nonprofit. These individuals all have one thing in common: they are Consciously Secure Leaders (CSL).

It’s about understanding that in living life to the fullest is about assessing the risk, but never at the expense of professional, personal, or soul growth. The security that they value is one that gives them greater freedom in their lives.

But it takes looking at the TRUTH to get there.

Where are you not looking at the TRUTH within your own business? How are you going to actually make 2021 a different year for your team, for your clients, for your other stakeholders, and for YOU.

I invite you on a journey with me this year to dive deep as we explore what it means to be a CSL and how you can protect your business while focusing on safety, inclusion and love.

To kick-off the year, join us for our Cybersecurity Roundtable on January 13th, diving into the Solar Winds attack, or our Consciously Secure Leadership Series event on January 27th where we dive into the 6 Fundamental Skills Business Leaders Need to Learn from Spies and Special Ops with the incredible Alana Winter Founder and CEO of Mi6 Academy. See below for both events.

Jessica Robinson is CEO of PurePoint International and works as a Virtual/Outsourced CISO to middle market businesses in financial services and insurance. Jessica and her team specialize in working with companies with start-up – $350M in revenues.


I am COMMITTED and I want it ALL


Cybersecurity Roundtable